Half Ashed

Half Ashed Episode 032: A Visit with the Dogwatch Guys!

Episode 032

Good afternoon, everyone!  Welcome to another week and another episode of Half Ashed, this being Episode 032.  Yes, we’ve managed to make it another week without being booed, chased, or otherwise kicked off the internet.  Craig was out of town this week, and I had the good fortune of getting Dale Roush & Bob McDuffee on as special guests.  Bob & Dale – or the godfathers of cigar podcasting as I like to call them, were the hosts of Dogwatch Cigar Radio for 8 years, ending the show at the end of 2012 with 410 episodes.  I owe much to them, including the impetus for Half Ashed, and truly appreciate them taking time out of their schedules to sit in with me to hang out and catch up.  It’s always a special treat to visit with the guys, and this week’s show is no exception.  Here’s a brief summary of some of the topics we covered…

Cigar of the Week

The Cigar of the Week was an impromptu unbanded stick I sent to the guys just to get their opinions about…not to ruin the surprise, you’ll have to tune in to find out what it was and what they thought of it.

News Items

Other Items

What we’ve been smoking….the guys haven’t let up since ending Dogwatch.  They’re still alive and kicking – and smoking plenty of cigars

Listener email – we take a question from Swede214 about tooth in a cigar wrapper….complete with visual aids :).


Next week, we’ll return to a normal programming schedule.  The Cigar of the Week will be an Unbanded, number 009, from Jacob Pinkas (Thanks Jacob!).  If you would like to contact us in the meantime, you can reach us through the contact page or at the following email addresses: kip@thecigarmy.com or craig@thecigarmy.com.  Please feel free to drop us a line if you have any questions you’d like answered, comments to make…or even compliments and complaints.  We love to get your emails!  Also, remember you can always go back and listen to previous episodes, which can be found in the Half Ashed Archive.  You can download this week’s audio directly below (right-click “Download” and save), or find us on iTunes to subscribe.  Video, as always, will be available at the CigFed Half Ashed Video Archive.

P.S. – If you have unbanded suggestions or contributions, you can get those to us by sending an email to info@thecigarmy.com.  This email address goes directly to my wife, so you can simply suggest an unbanded cigar for her to source, or send me an email to kip@thecigarmy.com if you have something you’d like to send in.  I will provide an address to send them.  Thanks!