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I'm back

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:35 pm
by smokinsteve
Hello again. I must have gotten booted in the migration, so I will re introduce my self.

My name is Steve. I live in a suburb of Houston TX. I recently got back into cigars about six to eight months ago after a three and half year hiatus. I stumbled upon Dog Watch Cigar Radio about six months ago while searching for cigar related pod casts. I was instantly hooked. I've spent the last six months listening to the archived shows on my long drives for work. I was sad when I learned that the show was discontinued. I am very happy that I have found your show Craig and Kip. I am a big fan of what you guys are doing here on Half Ashed. I am currently catching up on previous episodes and I look foreword to catching a live herf one of these weeks. I love smoking a good cigar. I also enjoy sharing this passion and hobby with others.

Smoke on!

Steve (smokinsteve)

Re: I'm back

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:23 am
by Kip
Welcome! Again! Sorry about that. I think you joined after the cutoff when they'd already grabbed a backup of the forum DB to be moved. Anyway, I'm glad you came back, and thanks for the kind words.

Re: I'm back

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 9:03 am
by kurtdesign1
Agree with Kip! We're happy to see you here.
Might i ask, why the hiatus and subsequent reemergence into the world of cigars?

Re: I'm back

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 6:04 pm
by smokinsteve
Thanks guys! Glad to be here.

Its kind of a long story Craig. I will give you the short version. Prior to my three and half year hiatus I was more of a chew dipper than a cigar smoker. I enjoyed cigars, just not very often. So I decided to quit all tobacco product for a time. I joined a support group that advocated complete abstinence from nicotine. While I was able to stop using chew or dip, I was not able to enjoy cigars while being part of that group. So, after around three and half years, I got tired of not being able to enjoy a cigar and I left the support group. I have since become way more passionate and obsessed with cigars than I ever was. I hope that is an adequate answer to your question Craig.

Smoke on!


Re: I'm back

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:10 pm
by IWinchester
Sounds good to me! If ya ever need help sticking to just cigars, pop by here and we'll try to help!

Kid Corona

Re: I'm back

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 11:43 pm
by kurtdesign1
That's the very best reason! A man with conviction, I like it!

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