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Olive oil...

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 6:07 pm
by Kip
I'm not an expert, but I do enjoy olive oil quite a bit. Nope...I have no idea how they make/process/pamper it. I know nothing about what actually makes one good, or better than others. All I know is what appeals to me. This one is my new favorite. I like it a lot - both for dressing preparations and cooking. Dig it.


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Re: Olive oil...

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 10:33 am
by kurtdesign1
I'm an olive oil fan after a trip to Italy. I never really thought of it as a flavor delivery item but was subsequently edumacated on said trip. Californian and northern Italian OOs are typically sharper or spicier oils. Spanish and Southern Italian are more mellow and buttery. Italians have a casual fight regarding the proper way to condition the olives prior to processing. The Sicilians say the Northerners are impatient because they pick nearly immature fruit and the Northerners say the Sicilians are lazy because they'll almost harvest the fallen, overripe olives from the ground.
Cold press or Extra Virgin press means that the oil was extracted on the first time the olives were compressed to extract the oil. "Mild" or "Medium" olive oil means that the oil was extracted on a subsequent time and the flavors are more muted and bland. This also means that the oil has less of the volatile flavor compounds and thus can be subjected to higher smoke points without losing integrity. EVOO typically has a very very low smoke point. Just hotter than butter.