Stovetop smoker???

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Horn Tootin' Torcedor
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Stovetop smoker???

Post by Stewmuse » Wed Mar 01, 2017 10:43 pm

If you've never tried one of these, you are missing out, esp if grilling outside is dangerous in the northern climes. Heats up extremely quick and easy, and is pretty easy to clean. Fish, burgers, 'dogs, shrimp, and veggies can be smoked in these (or even stuffed squid!). Skip, have you fired up yours, yet???
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International Hillbilly
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Re: Stovetop smoker???

Post by Kip » Sat Mar 04, 2017 8:33 am

I haven't, but I'm working on it. We have to manage a couple of teams that the school is bringing down the next 2 weeks, but once the last one takes off it's on...

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