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Holy Tech Crybabys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:15 pm
by kurtdesign1
I watched the iPhone extravaganza today and actually enjoyed it. I'm not really an apple fanboy, though I have used an iPhone for 3 or 4 years. I have had the same phone now for about 2 years and am actually considering an upgrade in the new year sometime. Instead of farming out information coming up in the next few months, I thought I'd hear the Apple news first hand.

First off, I am interested in a few upcoming things. The iWatch notwithstanding, most of apple's releases seem reasonable. The new iPhone seems to address a couple major things that their users care about/utilize. The camera, battery life, increased graphics performance, etc all make sense. I'm also interested in the new ear buds, though I'd be afraid of losing one or both of them since they're solely the individual ear buds now without any cord whatsoever. The Mario game looks fun in a mind-numbing, nostalgic manner. Regarding the cons, well, I don't personally have any.

I don't know enough about tech "stuffs" to know whether this update is cutting edge but it does satisfy me as a casual user. That being said, even I could sense the disdain for the dropping of the headphone jack and replacement with lightning cable hookup. To me, I can't even fathom the temper tantrums being collectively thrown by Jobs's fanboys and tech bloggers. Get over it. Technology will continue to improve and the next gen of these things will be just fine. Frankly, as someone who isn't looking for an audiophile experience from my phone (blasphemy!), this really has no negative impact. I've found a good, cheap bluetooth headset so that's always an option. Plus, the wireless ear buds come with the new 7. I lost connection when they were getting explained (in part) but it seems like they're not a bluetooth connection but another wireless type. They're paired by proximity, then the proximity is expanded once "connected". There's no "pairing" and coded requirements. In a world where faster and shorter are king, this makes logical sense to be a hit with the consumers.

The black shiny color is cool. The processing speed is astonishing (double the speed of a 6 and 40% faster than a 6s). The max intake LTE speed is 450Mbps. That's faster (by a lot) than my home wifi. Camera offers multiple focal lengths. Flash offers different colors. Speakers are stereo not mono. Color output is increased. Quick lift activation is a cool add on. I dig it.

Why the hell is there such a negative reaction around the net? There just doesn't seem to be much negative in all of this to me...

Re: Holy Tech Crybabys

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:46 pm
by Zedman05
I for one would lose my mind having to deal with cordless headphones. I listen to podcasts 7-10 hours a day. There is no way they make cordless earbuds that I can use that last that long. They leave a person NO OPTION. I understand there is "progressing in technology", but I am not looking to fix something that works just fine. It is not like you get better sound from wireless, or it makes your experience any better, it just removes the cord and leaves you waiting for the battery to die.

I cannot say that I have any interest in the Iphones, so I will not comment on the speed or capabilities, but I still will never buy something that is locked down and not usable as a personal device. If only they would open up that platform and turn it into something more than a toy, I would buy it. I like how they run, I like how well it is built. I like that they have parts that mainly seem to work with each other, but for the love of "technology moving forward"; get rid of doing everything through Itunes.
As you may be able to tell, I will be getting another Android phone. The Galaxy S7 looks alright, but so does that badass OnePlus3. I thought the OnePlus1 was sweet, but they just keep improving.

Cigar F^iend

Re: Holy Tech Crybabys

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:05 am
by jledou
I will be upgrading from a 5S to the new one. I would say overall that every phone is not innovating much. Similar to the PC, the relevance of a new model is going to be less year over year but 2-3 years and in the future 3-4 year cycles may be more common.

With regards to the removal of the headphone jack, i pretty much have used bluetooth headphones for the last 2 years now as the only way to connect to the phone and I have a hard time going back. I use these right now ... dr-as600bt and they can get the 8+ hours out of a charge as advertised. There are some out there that can also put up 10+ hours currently and they are improving that each year also. Thinking of where things are going I hook my phone to my car, speakers, home surround sound, and headphones all through bluetooth so I have the feeling that this will be the norm in a couple of years and it will be remembered a lot different then it is being portrayed today.

Re: Holy Tech Crybabys

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 4:42 pm
by Zedman05
I agree, bluetooth is the way of the future, but give me the option, just like cigars, dont just one day say "hey everyone we have taken your current stuff away entirely". Those headphones are great, but not small enough. I only have one ear in at a time to allow me to hear things around myself. I am not wanting something that large, plus it still has a cord....why not just make them completely corded to the phone ? Heh. I like the small, non intrusive earbuds.

Cigar F^iend

Re: Holy Tech Crybabys

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 9:34 am
by kurtdesign1
I purchased these in June and could not be more pleased. They're a small bud, they have great battery life (once a week charge, 3+ hours of listening a day, easily experiencing 12+ hours between charge). They offer multiple bud sizes, they NEVER fall off, they deal with sweat when working very well. Great purchase. ... B00H0CV9TM

Now, regarding the iPhone7 and corded headphones, they are sending a headphone-to-lightning adaptor with every phone. This is why I dont' get the uproar. Everyone can still use their corded headphones, just through the lightning jack, not a headphone jack! ... ter-video/